Book Online and Get Access Now.
Booking online is super easy.
1. Pick from one of our convenient locations on our website
2. Pick the unit size you like
3. Enter your credit card details
4. Sign the online rental agreement
5. Submit Payment
6. You will receive a move in email with a video showing how to access your unit, your secure gate code and your unit number.
7. Go to your unit, check it out, and move your stuff in.
Note: If for whatever reason you decide our storage isn't for you, no problem we will immediately refund your payment and cancel the agreement if you haven't moved in.
Our storage contracts are month to month. Our online system will bill you prorated for the first month, then bill your credit card on the 1st of every month following. Should you want to move out mid month, we will refund the remainder of the month. Click here to submit the move out form
As always if you have any problems please call or text 604.398.5233 in Vancouver and 289.469.5893 in Toronto.